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When it comes to moving & being in your body, do you wish it could feel like a safe place to call home?                   

is this for?


is this for?

Do you ever wish you confidently knew how to fuel, move, rest, connect and caretake for          body?


When it comes to living in your body, do you wish it could feel like a safe place to call home?

But instead it feels like you're a stranger or a visitor to your own body?

sweet  friend,

I help you learn how to use neuroscience and this                            that resides within you, so you can better listen, trust and                      your body.

Have you often found yourself searching for answers outside of your own intuition only to be left feeling exhausted and alone in the process?

Has your healing journey often been met with more restriction and less body trust? 

sweet  friend,




Better Expert

A 6-month group coaching program where we equip you with tools rooted in neuroscience, so you can move towards your goal with your body instead of against your body.

A healing process rooted in science and compassion.

A 6-month group coaching program where we equip you with tools rooted in neuroscience, so you can move towards your goal with your body instead of against your body.

Better Expert

Join the waitlist

That's why I created....

Have you dabbled in nearly every fitness trend, only to be left feeling more overwhelmed and frustrated at how to work with your body?

Have you ever felt like giving up?

A healing process rooted in science and compassion.

brain based?

I'm Alyssa.

Dog Mom and ex-fitness junkie. My life revolved around 5am fasted cardio, double days and meal prep Sundays. I chased perfection in a body, until the "perfect" body left me nursing a laundry list of ailments like depression, anxiety attacks, leaky gut, physical pain, extreme weight fluctuations, insomnia and so much more. 

I gave up on my healing journey because every avenue I stepped into left me feeling more obsessive, more at fault and more hopeless.

Then this conversation of working with your brain to heal your body surfaced. I cracked open the door to studying the brain and I haven't looked back.

I learned to breathe, which helped reduce my anxiety which helped heal my gut.

I moved my eyes, which reduced my pain, which improved my sleep, which boosted my mood.

I was healing and it was with tools that I already possessed.

As I began learning about this built in surveillance system constantly scanning for ways to keep me safe and alive, I was able to remove feelings of guilt or shame surrounding the experiences in my body.

Dog Mom and ex-fitness junkie. My life revolved around 5am fasted cardio, double days and meal prep Sundays. I chased perfection in a body, until the "perfect" body left me nursing a laundry list of ailments like depression, anxiety attacks, leaky gut, physical pain, extreme weight fluctuations, insomnia and so much more.

I gave up on my healing journey because every avenue I stepped into left me feeling more obsessive, more at fault and more hopeless.

Then this conversation of working with your brain to heal your body surfaced. I cracked open the door to studying the brain and I haven't looked back.

I learned to breathe, which helped reduce my anxiety which helped heal my gut.

I moved my eyes, which reduced my pain, which improved my sleep, which boosted my mood.

I was healing and it was with tools that I already possessed.

As I began learning about this built in surveillance system constantly scanning for ways to keep me safe and alive, I was able to remove feelings of guilt or shame surrounding the experiences in my body.

Hi There!


Neuroscience Health Coaching emphasizes a deep understanding of the nervous system, recognizing its pivotal role in governing thoughts, behaviors, emotions, movements, and overall lifestyle. This comprehensive approach suggests a holistic perspective that considers the interconnected nature of brain and body.

Approaching your healing from this brain based lens opens up a world of possibilities for deeply understanding oneself. By diving deep into the intricacies of the nervous system, you gain insights into your thought patterns, behaviors, emotions, and overall well-being.

Inside of Better Expert, we focus on training the brain so you can safely move your body and enjoy the process of working toward your goals. 

Neuroscience Health Coaching emphasizes a deep understanding of the nervous system, recognizing its pivotal role in governing thoughts, behaviors, emotions, movements, and overall lifestyle. This comprehensive approach suggests a holistic perspective that considers the interconnected nature of brain and body.

Approaching your healing from this brain based lens opens up a world of possibilities for deeply understanding oneself. By diving deep into the intricacies of the nervous system, you gain insights into your thought patterns, behaviors, emotions, and overall well-being.

Inside of Better Expert, we focus on training the brain so you can safely move you body and enjoy the process of working toward your goals. 

Neuroscience approach


"The breath work and vision drills have been huge! It changes the rest of my day. they've given me an extended appreciation of movement and what can actually be impactful. Alyssa is extremely knowledgeable and so well versed in a nutrition, movement, outlook, perspective, neurobiology. The program is so comprehensive and helps you bridge those bridges between your emotions and your body. So much of this program is about finding your own answers instead of looking externally, Better Expert, equips you with longer and deeper change"


"The breath work and vision drills have been huge! It changes the rest of my day. they've given me an extended appreciation of movement and what can actually be impactful. Alyssa is extremely knowledgeable and so well versed in a nutrition, movement, outlook, perspective, neurobiology. The program is so comprehensive and helps you bridge those bridges between your emotions and your body. So much of this program is about finding your own answers instead of looking externally, Better Expert, equips you with longer and deeper change"


"The breath work and vision drills have been huge! It changes the rest of my day. they've given me an extended appreciation of movement and what can actually be impactful. Alyssa is extremely knowledgeable and so well versed in a nutrition, movement, outlook, perspective, neurobiology. The program is so comprehensive and helps you bridge those bridges between your emotions and your body. So much of this program is about finding your own answers instead of looking externally, Better Expert, equips you with longer and deeper change"


“I would recommend Better Expert because it offers something that no eating plan or health program can offer - consistent support and education in trusting my own intuition about my health. Better Expert does such a good job of combining neuroscience and new helpful information for my health journey, with a big shift in mindset towards trusting myself.”


You’ve dabbled in just about everything - yoga to help destress, whole30 to help manage inflammation, intermittent fasting to help support your busy schedule, cupping to manage pain etc., yet you’re left with more questions than answers and with a nervous system living on edge for something else to go wrong

Better Expert helps the “Dabbler” use their years of gathered data as information to pave a path forward, with your nervous system guiding the way.

"the Them first" 

Your nervous system learned that keeping the peace was more important than your own inner peace. But this protective habit has left you feeling like a stranger to your own body. You're ready to unlearn these habits and focus more on yourself and your needs first and foremost. The only problem... you're not really sure how to tap into your intuition, or maybe can't even hear what your body needs.

Better Expert supports the “Them First”, to pause in the reflex of saying “yes”, so you can create the space for your needs to fully evolve.


You're curious to learn about your body in a way that opens up a dialogue with your symptoms, pains, and health frustrations. You’re curious to learn why traditional methods of exercising your body have never really worked for you and want to learn how to nourish your body and move her for enjoyment without guilt and shame. You want to find answers and are willing to embrace the practice of experimentation in order to walk away with the tools that will allow you to feel like the expert of your body.

Better Expert soothes the “Curious Student’s” desire to learn with years of data and research in neuroscience so you can finally breathe a sigh of relief in your healing journey.


You’ve tried keto, whole30, counting calories, fasted cardio, HIIT, Crossfit. You name it, you’ve dabbled in it. But even with the amount of experiments you’ve run, you’re still confused as to why nothing has worked for you.You’re exhausted by the idea of “getting back on the wagon" because it seems like you're already tried everything out there.

You’re focused on the need to do "health" perfectly, but the fear of making a mistake keeps you cycling through old behaviors like the pushing and grinding you wish to break free of. You default to being too hard on yourself, especially when it comes to your body. So you push harder, ignoring her and disconnect from her needs.



You’re curious to learn why traditional methods of exercising your body have never really worked for you and want to learn how to nourish your body and move her for enjoyment without guilt and shame. You want to find answers and are willing to embrace the practice of experimentation in order to walk away with the tools that will allow you to feel like the expert of your body.


Who is this for?


is it for?


You’ve tried keto, whole30, counting calories, HIIT, Crossfit. You name it, you’ve dabbled in it. But even with the amount of experiments you’ve run, you’re still confused as to why nothing has worked for you.

If you resonate with being a Dabbler, Better Expert is designed to help tune out so you can tune more into your body.


You’re focused on the need to do "health" perfectly, but the fear of making a mistake keeps you cycling through old behaviors like the pushing and grinding you wish to break free of. You default to being too hard on yourself, especially when it comes to your body. So you push harder, ignoring her and disconnect from her needs.

If you relate to being an Eager Beaver, Better Expert is designed to help you push pause and better connect to your body.


You're curious to learn about your body in a way that opens up a dialogue with your symptoms, pains, and health frustrations. You’re curious to learn why traditional methods of exercising your body have never really worked for you and want to learn how to nourish your body and move her for enjoyment without guilt and shame. You want to find answers and are willing to embrace the practice of experimentation in order to walk away with the tools that will allow you to feel like the expert of your body.

Do you relate to the desire to learn? Better Expert is designed to support and encourage your curiosity.


You’ve dabbled in just about everything - yoga to help destress, whole30 to help manage inflammation, intermittent fasting to help support your busy schedule, cupping to manage pain etc., yet you’re left with more questions than answers and with a nervous system living on edge for something else to go wrong.

Better Expert helps the “Dabbler” use their years of gathered data as information to pave a path forward, with your nervous system guiding the way.

Your nervous system learned that keeping the peace was more important than your own inner peace. But this protective habit has left you feeling like a stranger to your own body. You're ready to unlearn these habits and focus more on yourself and your needs first and foremost. The only problem... you're not really sure how to tap into your intuition, or maybe can't even hear what your body needs.

Better Expert supports the “Them First”, to pause in the reflex of saying “yes”, so you can create the space for your needs to fully evolve.



You’re curious to learn why traditional methods of exercising your body have never really worked for you and want to learn how to nourish your body and move her for enjoyment without guilt and shame. You want to find answers and are willing to embrace the practice of experimentation in order to walk away with the tools that will allow you to feel like the expert of your body.

Better Expert soothes the “Curious Student’s” desire to learn with years of data and research in neuroscience so you can finally breathe a sigh of relief in your healing journey.


Who is this for?


is it for?


"Better Expert factors in all aspects of health and places an emphasis on holding each part of my healing journey: mental, physical, emotional with compassion and supportive education. I have yet to experience a program that has helped me evolve as a complete whole person."


"Better Expert factors in all aspects of health and places an emphasis on holding each part of my healing journey: mental, physical, emotional with compassion and supportive education. I have yet to experience a program that has helped me evolve as a complete whole person."

Through 6 months of group coaching inside our community container, you will learn..

Better Expert

How to step into the work of self regulating your nervous system and personally attune to your needs of safety.

You will be better equipped to identify your sources of pain and immediately soothe the discomfort with nervous system supportive strategies.

You will have the tools to help you learn how to exist in the world with a body you feel safe to connect to.

You will walk away with the understanding that your body & brain are always working with you and FOR you.


Self Regulation: Teaching you how to self-regulate your nervous system so we can reduce any unwanted symptoms like anxiety or pain, allowing you to show up more fully and present in your life.

Pain Re-education: We help you to identify sources of pain and equip you with brain based tools like vision therapy, breath work and joint mechanic drills, so you can feel more in trust of yourself and your ability to heal your body.

Achieving Your Goals: The ultimate goal is for you to walk away knowing how to better cope with triggers, reduce pain and ultimately feel safe to connect to your body so you can achieve your goals.

Through 6 months of group coaching inside our community container, you will learn...

Through 6 months of group coaching inside our community container, you will learn..

Better Expert

How does this work?

Self Regulation: Teaching you how to self-regulate your nervous system so we can reduce any unwanted symptoms like anxiety or pain, allowing you to show up more fully and present in your life.

Pain Re-education: We help you to identify sources of pain and equip you with brain based tools like vision therapy, breath work and joint mechanic drills, so you can feel more in trust of yourself and your ability to heal your body.

Achieving Goals: Safely guiding you towards achieving your goals with a focus on creating sustainable practices for long-term success.

You will walk away knowing how to better cope with triggers, reduce pain and ultimately feel safe to connect to your body so you can achieve your goals.




2x/month Group Coaching
Voxer Voice Messaging Access
Private Better Expert Membership
6 Guest Expert interviews
400-page Better Expert workbook
Over 160 video tutorials

Better Expert is backed with years of research in neuroscience.

It is designed to put you back into the driver’s seat by putting a stop to quick fix and cookie cutter approaches and placing your unique neurological needs at the forefront so that you can step into the process of living a life designed by you.

As I began learning about this built in surveillance system constantly scanning for ways to keep me safe and alive, I was able to remove feelings of guilt or shame surrounding the experiences in my body.

Do you often feel wrong for how you exist in your body?

Do you often feel like no one understands you or has taken the time to sit and hear what its been like to live with your symptoms?

Have you ever been told it was just in your head, that you were being dramatic and that you should just get over it?

Has the world made you feel like you’re getting it wrong?

Are you craving a space where your experiences are held with compassion and your pain is not dismissed?

Better Expert may be your next home base of support. Within Better Expert, I help you learn all about the ways your nervous system is working with you so you can see that you are never too much, too anxious, too sensitive or too dramatic.

Are you ready for the symptoms and experiences in your body to be held with compassion and curiosity?



2x/month 90 minute Group Zoom Coaching calls with Alyssa 

Are you ready for the symptoms and experiences in your body to be held with compassion and curiosity?

Private Better Expert Membership 

6 Guest Expert interviews

Voxer Voice Messaging Access M-F

400-page Better Expert workbook



Better Expert takes a whole human approach to “health” by starting from the brain, and is backed with years of research in neuroscience.

It is designed to put you back into the driver’s seat by putting a stop to quick fix and cookie-cutter approaches and placing your unique neurological needs at the forefront so that you can step into the process of living a life designed by you.

Better Expert adopts a whole human approach to "health" with a foundation rooted in extensive research in neuroscience, our approach seeks to empower individuals.

Our methodology distinguishes itself by replacing one-size-fits-all solutions and hasty fixes, with a priority on your individual needs. We aim to restore your agency, allowing you to embark on a path toward a life crafted by your own design.

I firmly adhere to the belief that I cannot facilitate your healing directly. However, I am committed to equipping you with the necessary tools, offering compassionate support, and providing a non-judgmental space. It is within this environment that you can discover how to navigate your own healing journey.


"Alyssa is so warm and welcoming and has helped me reframe negative thought patterns that have held me back from living a full life. She has the knowledge, capability and tools to help support you on this journey and has taught me so much about the brain and how connected the human body is and how it all interplays with my mood and mental space. I am walking away with life long tools, more grace and confidence in myself"


"Alyssa is so warm and welcoming and has helped me reframe negative thought patterns that have held me back from living a full life. She has the knowledge, capability and tools to help support you on this journey and has taught me so much about the brain and how connected the human body is and how it all interplays with my mood and mental space. I am walking away with life long tools, more grace and confidence in myself"

The 3 pillars of

3 pillars of

Better Expert

Better Expert

Weekly Group Zoom Coaching calls with Alyssa 

Private Membership Access

Guest Expert interviews

Private Podcast full of guided meditations and breath work

400 page Better Expert workbook

I teach you how to assess your brain and body, then teach you nervous system specific movements, so you can get to the root cause of your pain + reconnect to your body.





Using a neural based approach to nutrition, you'll learn how to remove food rules and compassionately step into intuitive eating.


10 lesson Neural Nutrition Course

Learning about the role the Vagus Nerve plays in digestive health

Explore how grief and trauma impact your gut health

A step by step process to finally embodying intuitive eating

Brain-Based Movement Assessment Program 

Weekly brain based drills (vision, vestibular and joint mechanic drills)

Breathing Program

Movement Library: 60+ Movement Video Tutorials

With this step by step brain based process we focus on bringing awareness to old narratives and rewire your thoughts so you can finally step into healing your mind and body.



An exploration of your core values and how to live in alignment

Guided mindfulness exercises to help you establish personal boundaries

Personal attunement and nervous system regulating drills

Specific brain based drills to naturally quiet the chatter and leave space for presence.

Using a brain based lens, you learn how to harness your body’s fight, flight, flight or freeze responses, so you finally learn how to listen, trust and feel at home in your body.





Traditional methods of calorie counting are left behind. Using my 5 step approach to intuitive eating, you’ll learn the role brain health plays in understanding your own biological, genetic, and emotional needs when it comes to fueling your body.


10 lesson Neural Nutrition Course

Better Expert Nutrition Quiz

Individualized Recipes + Food

Recommendations for your nutrition type

Brain based drills to help you become an intuitive eater

A private Membership for discussions, q&a, community building

Brain-Based Movement Assessment Program 

Weekly brain based drills dripped to your inbox weekly

Breathing Program

Movement Library: 60+ Movement Video Tutorials

A step by step process exploring the ways we think, influence the way we feel. We utilize brain based training to help you rewire your thoughts, so you can finally feel back in body trust and work with her.


Bi-monthly Group Zoom Coaching calls with Alyssa 

Private Better Expert Membership

6 Guest Expert interviews

Voxer Voice Messaging Access M-TH

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls 

400 page Better Expert workbook


"Alyssa is so warm and welcoming and has helped me reframe negative thought patterns that have held me back from living a full life. She has the knowledge, capability and tools to help support you on this journey and has taught me so much about the brain and how connected the human body is and how it all interplays with my mood and mental space. I am walking away with life long tools, more grace and confidence in myself"

It’s also important to note that Better Expert is a trauma-informed, brave space where everyone inside is considered the expert in their body. I will remind you often that as a student inside this container you always have:

Options for how you consume this content

Encouragement to self-honor your pace and capacity

Inclusive space for folks of all backgrounds.


Using a brain based lens, I teach you how to incorporate nervous system specific movements, so you can get to the root cause of your pain + reconnect to your body.





Using my neural based approach to nutrition, you'll learn how to remove food rules and fuel intuitively for your body's unique needs.


10 lesson Neural Nutrition Course

Better Expert Nutrition Quiz

Individualized Recipes + Food

Recommendations for your nutrition type

Brain based drills proven to help you become an intuitive eater

A private Membership for discussions, q&a, community building

Brain-Based Movement Assessment Program 

Weekly brain based drills

Breathing Program

Movement Library: 60+ Movement Video Tutorials

With this step by step brain based process we focus on bringing awareness to old narratives and rewire your thoughts so you can finally step into healing your mind and body.



An exploration of your core values and how to live in alignment

Guided mindfulness exercises to help you establish personal boundaries

Personal attunement and nervous system regulating drills

Specific brain based drills to naturally quiet the chatter and leave space for presence.

I teach you how to assess your brain and body, then teach you nervous system specific movements, so you can get to the root cause of your pain + reconnect to your body.





Using a neural based approach to nutrition, you'll learn how to remove food rules and compassionately step into intuitive eating.


10 lesson Neural Nutrition Course

Learning about the role the Vagus Nerve plays in digestive health

Exploring how grief and trauma impact your gut health

A step by step approach to finally embodying intuitive eating

Brain-Based Movement Assessment Program 

Weekly brain-based drills dripped to your inbox weekly

Breathing Program

Movement Library: 60+ Movement Video Tutorials

A step by step process exploring the ways we think, influence the way we feel. We utilize brain based training to help you rewire your thoughts, so you can finally feel back in body trust and work with her.


An exploration of your core values and how to live in alignment

Guided mindfulness exercises to help you establish personal boundaries

Personal attunement and nervous system regulating drills

Specific brain based drills to naturally quiet the chatter and leave space for presence.


Are you ready for the symptoms and experiences in your body to be held with compassion and curiosity?



I will advocate for your health until you feel confident in
taking the lead.

I will bring you years of data and research, but allow you to
draw your own decisions.

I will help you uncover all the things you intuitively knew about your health and needs and help you reaffirm your instincts.

I will pave the path, but let you walk it, but never alone until you’re ready.

I will help re-introduce you to your body, so you can return home to

MY promise TO YOU.

I can              for your health until you feel confident in
taking the lead.

I will bring you years of data and research, but allow you to draw 

I will help you uncover all the things you intuitively knew about your health and needs and help you                             

I will pave the path, but let you walk it, but                 , until you’re ready.

I will help re-introduce you to your body, so you can ultimately


your own decisions.

reaffirm these instincts.

never alone

return home to her.

Weekly Group Zoom Coaching calls with Alyssa 

Private Membership Access

Guest Expert interviews

Private Podcast full of guided meditations and breath work

400 page Better Expert workbook




I will                     for your health until you feel confident in
taking the lead.

I will bring you years of data and research, but allow you to
draw your                   

I will help you uncover all the things you intuitively knew about your health and needs and help you                                             

I will pave the path, but let you walk it, but                          
until you’re ready.

I will help re-introduce you to your body, so you can

MY promise TO YOU

I can advocate for your health until you feel confident in
taking the lead.

I will bring you years of data and research, but allow you to draw your own decisions. 

I will help you uncover all the things you intuitively knew about your health and needs and help you reaffirm your instincts.

I will pave the path, but let you walk it, but never alone until you’re ready.

I will help re-introduce you to your body, so you can ultimately return home to    

own decisions.

reaffirm these instincts.

never alone

return home to her.



"This program and the nonjudgemental space Alyssa creates, allows you to interrupt those negative thoughts you've had for years about food. Her approach to re-learning your body is like nothing I've experienced. She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to understanding the human body beyond what I knew was out there. All the education around the brain really took the blame off my shoulders and allowed me finally understand my body. I am a completely new person and am confident that I have the skillsets to continue this journey to better understanding my body".


"This program and the nonjudgemental space Alyssa creates, allows you to interrupt those negative thoughts you've had for years about food. Her approach to re-learning your body is like nothing I've experienced. She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to understanding the human body beyond what I knew was out there. All the education around the brain really took the blame off my shoulders and allowed me finally understand my body. I am a completely new person and am confident that I have the skillsets to continue this journey to better understanding my body".

Do you feel like this could be a new part of your healing journey?

Do you feel like this could be a new part of your healing journey?

join the waitlist



Neuroscience is the scientific exploration of the diverse structures within the brain and their profound influence on our behaviors and experiences throughout our bodies. Every facet of who we are—our identity, thoughts, behaviors, reactions—is intricately shaped by the dynamic processes unfolding by the brain. It serves as the orchestrator, playing a pivotal role in defining and directing how we feel in the world.


A brain based lens, is about utilizing neuroscience to help make sense of your symptoms with the root understanding that your brain and body are always working with you!



Neuroscience is the science of studying different structures of the brain and how they impact our behaviors and experiences in our body. 

Who we are, how we think, behave, react etc. is all a result of what's occurring in the nervous system, the brain.


A brain based lens, is about utilizing neuroscience to help make sense of your symptoms with the root understanding that your brain and body are always working with you!

What is 


Neuroscience is the scientific exploration of the diverse structures within the brain and their profound influence on our behaviors and experiences throughout our bodies. Every facet of who we are—our identity, thoughts, behaviors, reactions—is intricately shaped by the dynamic processes unfolding by the brain. It serves as the orchestrator, playing a pivotal role in defining and directing how we feel in the world.

What is a 

brain based lens?

This perspective recognizes that your brain and body are in constant collaboration, always working in tandem with you. By embracing this foundational understanding, we aim to provide a comprehensive framework that not only identifies the origins of your symptoms but also empowers you to work harmoniously with your brain and body.

What is the 


Better Expert is priced at $7500, with payment plans from 6-12 monthly installments.

Each enrollment, I hold 2 seats for scholarship students. This option is reserved for those with limited financial resources whose participation would cause signifiant financial strain.

How many students are in each 


I invite 10 students into the program each enrollment. This gives each student time to be heard and seen in their journey while honoring my capacity as a coach to show up fully present to best support each student.

What happens after  

Better Expert?

After Better Expert, graduates will have the option to transition completely independently, into the Brain Better Membership or enroll in Better Expert Volume II.

Better Expert Volume II, is built off of the foundational principles you learned in Better Expert V1, with the intent that this accelerated course can give you more agency and success in a program that you've learned how to design.

My main mission is to provide you autonomy and the skillsets to handle problems that may surface later on without us.


Better Expert is priced at $7500, with payment plans from 6-12 monthly installments.

Each enrollment, I hold 2 seats for scholarship students. This option is reserved for those with limited financial resources whose participation would cause signifiant financial strain.


I invite 10 students into the program each enrollment. This gives each student time to be heard and seen in their journey while honoring my capacity as a coach to show up fully present to best support each student.


After Better Expert, graduates will have the option to transition completely independently, into the Brain Better Membership or enroll in Better Expert Volume II.

Better Expert Volume II, is built off of the foundational principles you learned in Better Expert V1, with the intent that this accelerated course can give you more agency and success in a program that you've learned how to design.

My main mission is to provide you autonomy and the skillsets to handle problems that may surface later on without us.

Our bodies are naturally designed to root for us.

She elevates our heart rate to alert us of danger.

She boosts cravings to replenish deficiencies.

She increases body temp to break fevers.

She heals wounds, burns, and injuries.

She is a self healing instrument...

I'd invite you to apply below if you're curious to learn how neuroscience can help you heal from the inside out? 

Our bodies are naturally designed to root for us.

She elevates our heart rate to alert us of danger.

She boosts cravings to replenish deficiencies.

She increases body temp to break fevers.

She heals wounds, burns, and injuries.

She is a self healing instrument...

I'd invite you to apply below if you're curious to learn how neuroscience can help you heal from the inside out. 

Apply here

Our bodies are naturally designed to root for us.

She elevates our heart rate to alert us of danger.

She boosts cravings to replenish deficiencies.

She increases body temp to break fevers.

She heals wounds, burns, and injuries.

She is a self healing instrument...

I'd invite you to apply below if you're curious to learn how neuroscience can help you heal from the inside out? 

Our bodies are naturally designed to root for us.

She elevates our heart rate to alert us of danger.

She boosts cravings to replenish deficiencies.

She increases body temp to break fevers.

She heals wounds, burns, and injuries.

She is a self healing instrument...

I'd invite you to apply below if you're curious to learn how neuroscience can help you heal from the inside out? 

apply here

Join the waitlist

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